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September 24, 1982
Finally an easy day. An N.S.C. Planning Group meeting. Subject—Latin America. It’s possible the Soviets will ship “Mig” fighter planes into Nicaragua. George S. Monday will let Gromyko know we’ll take very seriously any overt moves by them or their stooge Cuba toward any part of Latin Am. We have contingency plans leading all the way up to troop involvement if Cuba should send troops to stir the pot in Central Am. Lunched outside the office on the porch in the sun then went over to the State Dining room to address & take Questions from the assembled editors & publishers of all the Trade magazines. Their 1st time in the W.H. since Truman. Much of the rest of the day was taken up with seeing 5 of our Ambassadors off & receiving 6 incoming. Then photos with some of our Sen. candidates & John Palmer & his wife Nancy (she’s with child). He’s leaving the W.H. to anchor the Today Show. Chris Wallace comes here.