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September 19, 1988
Started day at 10 A.M.—Saw Maureen & Dennis off for their week in Africa. Then a meeting about legis. & where it stands. We expect the drug bill this week. Sen. is expected to approve Cavazos today. If so we’ll have him take the pledge tomorrow. Sen. is expected to vote on Canada Free Trade bill today. Thurs. on my trip to Texas I’ll meet the Astronauts. Cong. is passing more appropriation bills. I’ll meet with the leaders tomorrow. Decided to make next Saturdays Radio script a preview of my U.N. speech.
N.S.C.—Colin says the violence in Burma is because Gen. now in charge is for retention of socialism.
In the coup in Haiti—Gen. Avril top man seems to be supporting democracy but concern is if he’s going to put Col. Paul in charge of the military. Paul is under indictment for drug running.
The press reported in detail our plans for reducing forces in Persian Gulf. They are totally irresponsible & could throw a monkey wrench in all we’re trying to do.
We’re considering bringing all the Nations that signed the 1925 pact against Poison gas together again. Before week is out I’ll be talking to Shevardnadze about Krasnoyarsk Radar.
Talk of a Basic Agreement with Soviets but no one can define what is definition of Basic science.
A photo with Boris Pladyshev—Soviet U. who is printing an article by me on differences etc. Met with Sec. McLaughlins Commission on Workforce quality.
This is a high powered group from several lines working on a plan to upgrade workforce.
Then lunch & some desk time. At 1:45 met with Sec. Bennet. He’s leaving us but he’s done such a job I now believe there is a legitimate place for a Fed. Ed. program.
A photo & meeting with new team of W.H. fellows. They came on board Sept. 1. Today I presented them their certificates. More desk time.
Then 7 Ambas’s. & familys from Honduras & 5 African Cos. & one Asian—Nepal. First time one of the African diplomats appeared in native ceremonial costume—a leopard skin skirt, bare from there up & barefoot—carrying a spear. Haircut & farewell reception to the Bennets. Upstairs—exercise & a quiet dinner with my room mate.