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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 09/14/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses a Republican Rally at Southeast Missouri State University.

  • President Reagan attends a GOP fundraising dinner in St. Louis, Missouri.

  • Hurricane Gilbert slams into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula; forcing thousands of residents to flee.

View the President's Schedule
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A busy day. 1st meeting discussed Sen. vote on Labor-H.H.S. bill. They voted our language & money.

Next was defense authorization bill. Sen. Nunn has become a real pain. He’s acting as if he’s the supreme authority on defense matters. Nick Brady received a unanimous committee vote for Sec. of Treasury. Textile bill vote delayed awhile. Heads off the game Byrd is playing. Sen. has agreed it will take up Canada-Free Trade bill Mon.

N.S.C.—Iran Contra is a subject right now of Jack Andersons column. He’s more correct than the rest of the media. Discussion of Hurricane moving on Jamaica.

Then photos with 14 of our Ambas’s. & familys who are leaving for their posts.

And at 10:45 left S. Lawn on Marine 1 for Andrews Field where we left on A.F.1 for Cape Girardeau Mo. Guests on board were Sen’s. Jack Danforth & Kit Bond, & Bill Emerson & his wife.

Lunch on board & 1 hr. & 40 mins. later landed at the C.G. airport. Then motored to Mo. St. U.’s “Show me Center.” A crowd of thousands including U. students. It was a pol. rally. I did a receiving line & photo with U. staff then into auditorium for speech to a most receptive audience. Then into a smaller room for reception & photos with major donors.

Back to the airport & off for St. Louis. Met by Gov. John Ashcroft & wife Janet also Geo. B.’s brother. I holed up for a couple of hours in the Omni hotel. Then at 5:40 Central time went downstairs & did a reception—photos & all with major donors. Then into ball room where fundraising dinner was being held. Gov. introduced me (before dinner). I spoke and again the reception was overwhelming. Then it was back to A.F.1 & on our way to Wash. dinner on the plane.

Arrived at W.H. at 10:05. Maureen was arriving same time from some meeting or other. Upstairs to Nancy—end of a good day.

Ronald Reagan Pen