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September 14, 1983

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Diary Entry - 09/14/1983

Wednesday, September 14, 1983

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N.S.C.—Saudi Arabia may exert more pressure on Syria. Things are a little suspended in Lebanon. Met with Eliz. Dole & our F.A.A. people who are going to the I.C.A.O. meeting in Canada. They intend to rally the rest of the 25 nations there to taking action against the Soviets in civil air affairs. Over to Exec. bldg. to speak & to be questioned by reps of Labor press, Hispanic press & Religious press. A good meeting. Dick Wirthlin’s newest poll figures on the whole showed improvement. I’m 1st Pres. since Ike to improve rating in 3rd year. A meeting on strategy on Appropriations in Cong. Phil Gramm has a plan that would result in holding line on ’83 spending even though that would be about $6 bil. over our original ’84 budget proposal. It would however be much less than Cong. on the Dem. side would like. A round table on the latest violation of classified info. The week end meetings on Lebanon strategy appeared in the press a day later hurting our strategy there. I’ve ordered Justice to investigate. Tonite—speak to Hispanic Repubs. at a dinner.