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Visit StoreSeptember
September 13, 1982
Another typical Mon. Only 1 hr. in the whole day scheduled for time to read, write etc. & that got eliminated by phone calls, a stack of things to sign and an extra meeting. There was a meeting with Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was inspiring. We’ve really turned the mil. around morale wise & every other way. Use of Pot is down from 50% to 16%. Had an Issues meeting & lunch at the same time. Cabinet meeting, gloomy report on international financial situation. Nat. Security, planning group meeting on the I.N.F. negotiations. George S. brought in Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia. He’s a bright young man & the report on Arab reaction to my peace proposal is great. Did a taped show with Jack Anderson (1st of a new series). Answered Q’s from people around country—previously taped. Then did 5 special tapings to be played at various events I couldn’t appear at in person. Upstairs and into the gym at 6:30.