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September 11, 1985
Met & had photo with Prince Sultan of Saudi Arabia—the only Astronaut in the Arab world. He flew on one of our Shuttle missions.
A brisk meeting with Repub. leadership of House & Senate. Subjects of course were tax reform, S. Africa & trade. I think we cleared the air on a number of things & made it plain we wanted to work with them.
Heat wave has broken—lunched outdoors.
Over to the E.O.B. for a Q&A with the Specialty Press—no newsmaking Q’s. Met with Geo. Shultz about summit. I sense he & Bud feel that “Defense” is going to be uncooperative & not want to settle anything with the Soviets. I cant quite agree on that. One thing I do know is I wont trade our S.D.I. off for some Soviet offer of weapon reductions.
Photo with Elizabeth Dole & her gang who are launching the Combined Fed. Fund (charity) drive.
An interview—very friendly—with James Dobson on tax reform & how it helps the family. Some photos with departing appointees who are going back to civilian life & a couple of S.S. agents who are being rotated. Got fitted for a new bulletproof raincoat & went home.