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Diary Entry - 09/10/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-10-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in an Economic Advisory Board meeting to discuss with leading economists the cause for the rising interest rates.

  • President Reagan hosts a breakfast meeting for Prime Minister of the State of Israel Menachem Begin to discuss future relations between the two nations.

View the President's Schedule
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Brkfst. with P.M. Begin & his team plus our own people. Plans were laid for future meetings & definite parameters to our dealings. He left me at 10 A.M. Dropped in on meeting of Ec. Advisors—A roomful of our country’s greatest economists. None of them could explain why interest rates are so high. In the afternoon to the Pentagon for opening & dedication of a “corridor” to General McArthur. Mrs. McArthur was there & it was very touching. She was deeply moved. Late afternoon—Lionel Hampton played for us in a tent on the S. Lawn—reception in W.H. followed. His performance & the galaxy of stars including Pearl Bailey were magnificent. Dinner delayed until about 9 P.M.—Phone calls etc. over needed additional budget cuts to meet our goal. Cap & Dave S. & I will meet at 10 A.M.

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