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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 09/04/1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of State Alexander Haig to discuss the French Ambassador to Lebanon who was killed by terrorists in Beirut.

  • The Soviet Union begins war games with about 100,000 troops on the Polish border.

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The Oval office has had a face lift—new chairs & sofas (2 of each) also a coat of paint. It looks a lot better. Not a big day. Met with Al Haig—the world is still exploding. The French Ambass. to Beirut was gunned down by terrorists doing the Syrians work. Met with Jim Watt. He’s taking a lot of abuse from environmental extremists but he’s absolutely right. People are ecology too and they cant forage for food and live in caves. Saw a film on Begin, a kind of character study. He’ll be here Wed. Had a pleasant evening with a stack of horse and western magazines.

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