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August 24, 1986

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Diary Entry - 08/24/1986

Sunday, August 24, 1986

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Got word that Ron Fortier (N.S.C.) died last night of cancer. He was a fine young man—wife pregnant & a 2 year old son. I phoned her but there are no words to make it easier.

This morning Dennis & I emptied the barn of all tools, feed bins, oil drums etc. While we are in L.A., he & Barney are going to cement the barn floor. Nancy is taking an afternoon off from riding but I’ll be going. And I’m back—just an hours ride—but a nice one. To keep in the shade we broke some new trail. We’ll have to do some more of that. Dennis & Courtney are scraping the barn floor down about 6 or 8 inches getting ready for the cement.