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August 13, 1986

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Diary Entry - 08/13/1986

Wednesday, August 13, 1986

View the President's Schedule

Started the day a little late. Had some briefings on our St. visitor—Pres. De la Madrid of Mexico. Then started our meeting with a one on one with him then the Plenary in Cab. room & lunch in the W.H. It was a good session and we made some points on Nicaragua, Drugs and his ec. problems. They need to make some structural changes to encourage pvt. investment from the outside as well as internally.

Peter Uberroth came by in the afternoon. He’s done a good job of cleaning up baseball on the drug issue. He seemed to think we were advocating a costly govt. program & it should be a mobilizing of the pvt. sector. I told him that was our thinking exactly—a citizens crusade involving everyone.

Some photo time with Congressional people & various guests such as Miss Teenage America. Then some desk time & home again.