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August 09, 1985
Met with Joint Chiefs of Staff—our quarterly meeting & the last chaired by Gen. Vessey. They gave a report plus charts etc. on progress made & capability of our forces. I wish all Americans could see it. I’m very proud & asked that the same report be made before the Dave Packard Commission.
George S. gave me an update on the Middle East peace process. We’re having problems with some of the Palestinians King Hussein wants us to meet with—several are unacceptable to the Israelis.
An hour meeting with Ec. Policy Council on the Int. Trade Councils ruling that our domestic shoe industry has suffered injury. Well it has but only by outright competition—no unfair trade practices. Foreign exporters led by Taiwan, S. Korea, Brazil, Spain, Italy etc. have 77% of our mkt. Options include tariff increase, quotas or rejecting the I.T.C. ruling & doing nothing. On simple Ec. & Nat. Interest this last is what I should do. I have until end of month to rule Signed about 50 pic’s. for the returned hostages & upstairs.