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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 08/09/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan congratulates Peter Jennings on being made the new anchor on the ABC News "World News Tonight" program.

  • President Reagan meets with Hispanic Leaders to discuss immigration and unemployment along the Texas border.

  • France sends military advisers to Chad to assist against Libyan-backed rebels.

View the President's Schedule
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Had a new briefing N.S.C. on upcoming meeting with Pres. of Mexico. La Paz is about 110° this time of year—happily he & I have come to agreement we’ll wear the traditional Mexican shirt & slacks—no coats. We’ll have lots to talk about. They are in an ec. tailspin—we’ve been helping & will do more but they must tidy up their own kitchen. The Pres. is trying with some austerity moves that are not being well received. I’ll try to strengthen his hand. An ec. briefing about our own problems. The banks just raised the “prime” to 11%. The stock mkt. nose dived. The Fed. had let monetary growth get a little out of hand—now they are trying to level off. I’ve suggested to Don R. that he have a little talk with the chairman. Had a lunch with several Hispanic leaders. They have a concern with our immigration bill & with some pockets of unemployment along the Texas border. I told them we were meeting this afternoon on that problem. We had the meeting & are sending a team down to direct the proper programs to the trouble spots. I think we can ease some of the pain. Met 5 newcomers to the W.H. press corps. Short meeting with group of “W.H. fellows” who are completing their terms. They’ve been on a trip to Asia—about the same one I’ll be taking in Nov. A Haircut & that was the day.

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