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August 07, 1985

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Diary Entry - 08/07/1985

Wednesday, August 7, 1985

View the President's Schedule

Don R. & I discussed a couple of staff changes. Max F. who has been doing a good (temporary) job with the Cong. relations people must now give it up for health reasons. He’ll return to being Consul General in Bermuda. Bee Oglesby will take over. Ed Rollins wants to go into the Pol. management business & make some money. We’ll move his assistant up.

At 11 A.M. we had an N.S.P.G. meeting on coming up with a new directive & new program for counter espionage. It will involve replacing a lot of Russian employees in our Moscow embassy with Americans and getting a reduction in number of Soviets who are in our country on one pretext or another but who are in reality KGB .

We had an Ec. Council meeting on trade. There are 152 bills pending in Congress all on various kinds of protectionism. We cant go the route remembering what happened in the ’30’s when the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill was passed as a measure to cure the great depression. It only made the G.D. greater. It was a good meeting & I think we are all in agreement we must do something to head off these bills. Our trade policy must be—free trade.

Got some mail & picture signing out of the way & upstairs. I’m getting spoiled.