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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 08/06/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) with a group of Republican Members of Congress.

  • President Reagan attends the National Conference on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention.

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Started the day again with a Congressional meeting—leadership plus some members with concerns about S.D.I. They’ve been reading things in the press that disturbed them. I had to make them understand the press doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

Then we had an N.S.C. meeting. Geo. Shultz brought Ambas. Crocker in who has been talking S. Africa with our allies. Most of our allies share our reluctance to impose punitive sanctions.

Cap Weinberger came by for his regular meeting. We talked about what would be necessary if Cong. persisted in slashing the Defense Budget.

After lunch I dropped by the Roosevelt Rm. to greet some ball players—the Texas Rangers who are in the pennant race in the American League. Then it was on over to E.O.B. to help brief a group of citizens who are active in supporting S.D.I. Back at the W.H. I left for the Hyatt Regency Hotel to address the Nat. Conf. on Alcohol & Drug Abuse. Found out I’m the 1st Pres. to ever do that. By the time I was being introduced I was given word that my veto of the infamous trade bill had been sustained—276 votes to override but 149 (we needed 142) to sustain. I announced that to open my speech. I’d been calling Congressmen for 2 days asking for help. I guess it paid off. Came back to the W.H. Don Regan came upstairs with me & we talked about George S. and his retiring. I’m afraid he may be doing it thinking I’m a little cooled off. That isn’t true. Don’s going to try & find out if he really wants to return to pvt. life or if something is bugging him. As far as I’m concerned he can stay as long as I’m here. Merme is coming back from NEW ORLEANS this evening & tomorrow Nancy will be home—hooray!

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