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August 04, 1981

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Diary Entry - 08/04/1981

Tuesday, August 4, 1981

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Today the House passed the tax bill 285 to 95. It’s mine to sign now. As of mid-day 35% of the Air Controllers were on the job and flying was 65% of normal. Pete McPherson, Admin. of A.I.D. presented me with a check for $28 mil. to be returned to Treasury. It wont be needed in 1981. This is a landmark. Wash. custom is to rush out & spend leftover money so the new budget wont be reduced. Lunch at “The Star”—it goes out of business Fri. That’s really too bad. We’re watching revolutionary situation in Gambia. Senegel has sent in troops but they haven’t succeeded in putting down the Marxist rebels. We are readying a standby force in case rescuing our embassy personnel is needed. [. . .]