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August 02, 1985
N.S.P.G. meeting—updating our situation re security of nuclear weapons—here & in Europe etc. Progress has been & still is being made.
Met with Geo. S. & Bud. I proposed Mike D. as a possible back door personal channel to Gorbachev. Mike will be making trips to Europe now & then in connection with his business & he certainly would have credibility as a personal emissary of mine. 12:15 off to Camp D. After all the fuss about my nose & our efforts to tell them the truth I learned at Camp D. that a biopsy had been taken & that pimple on my nose was a Basal cell carcinoma—same thing Nancy had a year or so ago on her upper lip. They are very common, also not dangerous & are the result of too much sun. First I have to give up popcorn & now sunbathing. I’ve been tan virtually year round all my life. I guess we’ll have to square ourselves with the press & correct the statements we’ve been giving out.