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July 31, 1986

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Diary Entry - 07/31/1986

Thursday, July 31, 1986

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Dropped by a breakfast in the St. Dining Room—about 50 or 60 members of Cong.—both parties. They’d heard from Cap, Geo. S. etc. I spoke to them about not undercutting our negotiations with the Soviets by slashing the defense budget—then I took Q’s.

After the usual staff meetings I had some desk time & plenty to do on my desk. Then lunch in the St. Dining Rm. this time with the “Vote America Youth Initiative.” These are corp. C.E.O.’s who are taking on the job of getting young people to register & vote.

Lyn Nofziger came in to ask me to push for L.A. as site of the ’88 Repub. Convention. I said yes. Then I had about an hour & a half of photos & movies taken of me with 23 of our Cong. candidates one at a time. It was worked out that I would meet, sit, get up & walk down the colonade with each one—no sound. They’ll use this in their campaign ads. Then it was admin. time—7 separate pic. sessions with various people—Jim Rhodes & 14 of his family. He’s for Gov. again in Ohio. Then a Vietnam Vet who is doing great work all over the country with young people. Half his face is a gargoyle from a phosphorous grenade that went off near the Rt. side of his face. And there were several other individuals & groups.