Diary Entry - 07/26/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan takes part in a ceremony and reception for "Take Pride In America."
President Reagan meets with Congressman Bill Archer, and discusses upcoming legislation.
U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar meets twice with Iran's foreign minister in the first formal talks about a cease-fire for the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq.
A little fun hearing about the Belly Dancer at Bob Doles Birthday party last night. Then to business. It looks like Thornburgh will come up for clearance Aug. 5. It appears deficit will be $140 Bil. instead of the estimated $146 Bil.
I have to make a correction in yesterdays item about our young air-crews in U.S.S.R. They were on 6 missions carrying Dept. of Energy drilling equipment to Semipolatinsk near Chinese border. This is in support of U.S.—U.S.S.R. joint nuclear testing agreement.
Then out to S. Lawn to address 2000 members of “Take Pride In America.” This is a group dedicated to preserving our countrys natural beauty & historical sites. They had given individual awards to 94 people from all over the country. At 11:30 a meeting with Geo. S. who has just returned from his very long trip. His report was very interesting & also he said the U.S. was at the highest level of popularity world wide that it has ever been.
Lunch—alone—then some photos with departing employees. Particularly was departure of Camp David Commander Jim Broaddus & family including parents of his & his wife. I pinned the legion of merit medal on him & an Eagle Scout badge on Scott his oldest son.
Then a photo session with donors to Repub. Senatorial Committee. An N.S.C. briefing—Dr. Edward Teller & a distinguished group of scholars displayed a new & most secret means of destroying nuclear missiles. It is technology that is almost unbelievable. After some desk time a meeting with Korean War Veterans group who are working to create a Korean war memorial. Tomorrow is anniversary of end of that war. Gen. Von Fleataway with them. He is 96 yrs. old—his grandfather fought in the revolutionary war.
Cong.man Bill Archer came in to talk about legislation. Bill Webster report on covert operations etc. Congressional Photo time—photos with friends & family of several Rep’s. And now—I forgot to report that day began with a meeting in Cab. room with Repub. Cong. leadership. It was a good session. I listened to each one of them make proposals about what should we do in these 6 mo’s. to insure our achievements would be carried on after I’m gone.
Nancy has been in N.Y. with friend Gloria Vanderbilt at funeral of Glorias son Carter who jumped out of 14th Floor in front of his mother. I kept our Dinner date with the Tyrells & other guests. It was a most enjoyable time. Nancy got home about 11 P.M. We were plagued by thunderstorms so her plane was grounded for quite a time.