Diary Entry - 07/23/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the Democratic National Convention and the administration's achievements.
Iran accuses Iraq of pushing deep into Iranian territory and using chemical weapons.
Did my radio broadcast at 9:06 A.M. Then several photos with groups & individuals. Some are leaving, others like ambulance force have never had one. My radio subject was Dem. convention although I mentioned no names.
Then our final ride for this trip. I forgot my spurs which I’ve never done before.
Phoned Sam Donaldson re the death of his mother. She was 93 & lived alone on a farm doing the necessary chores. He told me she voted solidly Republican all her life.
Lunch was with Barney & Dennis & Ron & Doria. Julius arrived during lunch to do Nancys hair.
After lunch Ron & Doria left for L.A. I joined Barney & Dennis in splitting the logs resulting from our pruning.
Schedule came—we leave ranch at 8:30 A.M. and are supposed to arrive at W.H. at 5:15.
Nancy just got a call—after dinner—Gloria Vanderbilts son jumped out of a 10 story bldg. & killed himself.