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July 21, 1985
Had a good night & really feel physical improvement. First time I’ve cleaned my plate—breakfast & lunch. Dr. Smith came up & checked my vital statistics—Temp 98.4—Blood pressure 132 over 80—pulse 66. Quiet morning, watched Sun. talk shows. A lot of them were devoted to whether I’ll get some attention from Congress out of sympathy as against, “I’ve lost momentum & am a lame duck.” One suggestion was that I’d not finish out the term.
Patti phoned. Speaking of phones—I have calls in for 4 Sen’s.; Durenberger, Spector, Heflin & Bentsen. I’m asking them for a parliamentary vote to end Hat fields filibuster against the Line item veto bill. Spector said yes, Heflin says he’s leaning our way, Bentsen is a no and I’ve yet to hear from Durenberger. All in all a good & restful day.