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July 16, 1987
Usual start—Staff then N.S.C.—discussion of John P.’s testimony. My problem now is that both John & Ollie were dropped by me from N.S.C. because they had not told me of the extra money or the diversion to the Contras. Now it seems that Ollie did tell John with the expectation John would tell me. I dont see though how I can do anything until they close down this investigation.
Dick Wirthlin came by with some of last nights poll—a small cross section—some good news & some maybe.
Lunch & over to E.O.B. to make 8 awards—All-America Cities Awards by Civic league. Then a Cabinet meeting to mobilize depts. to find additional domestic budget cuts. Our deficit this year will be $60 bil. lower than last years but we’ll still be above the G.R.H.’s [Graham, Rudman, Hollings] target for ’88.
A lot of mail to handle—then a photo with Nancys staff. A brief session with Bob Tuttle & I’ve appointed the 13 person commission on AIDS. Also Armando Valladares has agreed to head up our U.N. Human Rt’s. commission.
Photo session—Commander of Jewish War Vets. Then Danish foreign Minister & some departing S.S. agents—routine transfers.
A taping session—Navajo Nat. Ec. summit. AMVETS Nat. Convention, & Induction of Nancy Lopez into L.P.G.A. Hall of Fame (Golf ).