Diary Entry - 07/15/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Democratic Representative James Wright of Texas.
The President and the First Lady travel to Camp David for the weekend.
Five persons are killed and more than 50 injured when a bomb, enclosed in a suitcase, explodes at the Turkish Airlines counter at Orly Airport outside Paris.
A hectic 1⁄2 day plus. Began with House leader Jim Wright. Jim has kicked my head off on domestic issues but been pretty good on foreign policy—worked hard to get C.B.I. passed. Had him in to solicit help on MX. Couldn’t get a commitment although he didn’t say a flat no. Sens. Laxalt, Thurmond & Hatch in re the hearings on my appointments to Civil Rt’s. Commission. The Dems. are being vicious & unprincipled. Orin has been working too hard—he’s very emotional & on a thin edge. N.S.P.G. meeting on the middle east. Didn’t come up with an answer to the Syrian situation but found a lot of areas of agreement. We’ll be back at that again before Pres. Gemayel of Lebanon & Israeli P.M. Begin arrive. Lunch with business Round Table—asked their help on a lot of ec. problems—help in the sense of advice. A worthwhile meeting. Dick Wirthlin in on tracking he’s doing re the Carter campaign papers. We’ve lost no ground & a great majority of people believe Press is way out of line. Off to Camp D.