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July 13, 1988
Another 10 A.M. day. We started it with N.S.C. because of visit by P.M. of Malta Fenech Adami. But first regular N.S.C. meeting with Colin & John. Frank C. was also here to talk about Defense authorization bill. He thinks I may have to sign it or maybe let it go without my signature & with a scathing statement. We’ve ordered the Nicaraguan Ambas. Tunnerman & 7 of his comrades to get out & go home. Our Ambassador Melton came in this morning. He thinks they were thrown out because the people in Managua are getting more & more bold in their Anti-Sandinista demonstrations.
Staff time—Our appointment of Thornburgh is getting a great reception on the hill & press wise. One of our Senators Gordon Humphrey is opposed—thinks Dick is pro-abortion. He’s not. On bill to make Vets Admin. Dir. a cabinet member looks like Dems. will make it effective for next Pres. not while I’m here. The energy & water bill is expected to come down to me any minute. Then our visit—very pleasant half hour with P.M. Adami. He gave me credit for Malta turning against socialism.
Lunch with V.P. then a brief meeting with Nell Carter—black actress who is appearing here with Director of play.
A departure photo & then signing ceremony in Rose Garden for Captive Nations Day Proclamation. Went well. We’ve done this every year. Some desk time then addressed 48 state chairmen of Farm Bureau in Roosevelt Rm. And upstairs where I did a phone interview with Adell Specht—writer for Moline Ill. paper—I’ll be going there tomorrow. A phone call from Ron who’ll miss tribute to Nancy at convention but will be there for mine. I wish it could be the other way around.
Exercise—dinner & bed.