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July 13, 1985

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Diary Entry - 07/13/1985

Saturday, July 13, 1985

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Nancy decided to decorate the place & brought pictures from home. They did make things better. But I was in a lot of discomfort which continued over through Sun. July 14. The polyp was not cancerous but they are checking around the Lymph nodes & we wont know about them until Mon. Sun. night was a bad one—I didn’t sleep well.

Mon. July 15—awoke to the usual things I’m supposed to do to keep my lungs clear etc. Nancy came with more pictures & brought me up to date on messages, flowers etc. This morning though I went back to sleep & did pretty well until noon. It turns out there were Cancer cells in the tissue they’re checking—but they swear they got it all. It means however I’ll have to have annual checks for the next 5 years.

Mon. night was miserable—I kept waking up and felt I’d had no good sleep at all. Did some walking around. Mon. nite was better & Tues. the 16th was a good day. Don Regan comes each day & we do what chores are necessary. Nancy brought more pictures. The walls are now pretty well covered with large framed, colored photos of us at Camp D., the Ranch etc. They really help. I’ve taken some short walks down the hall. Nancy visited the childrens ward & gave them some balloons that were sent & flowers. The children responded with homemade cards. Nancy visited one 13 yr. old boy & his heartbeat went from 70 to 130. Tues. night was the best for sleeping—all the way thru til 5 A.M.