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July 13, 1984
Had individual photos with all the board members of the Am. Farm Bureau Fed. They have been with us steadily on everything we’re trying to do. W. German Minister defense came by. He’s very personable—spoke good Eng. & is a fighter pilot. One of Maureen’s lunches (St. Dining Room) with about 100 Repub. Women office holders & cands. from around the country. These are good meet ings & well worthwhile. A Brief Personnel meeting then a photo with Nat. Assn. of Security Dealers Bd. of Dirs. plus a photo with Lt. Col. Charles F. Brower & family (mil. Aide) he’s leaving for assignment at West Point. Ken Khachigian came by—he’s working on my acceptance speech—Repub. convention. I remember when I did all such things myself. No way now—no time. On our way to Camp David.