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July 13, 1983
Met with Repub. women of Congress on legislation we’re sponsoring to improve collection of child support from runaway husbands. Trent Lott, Phil Gramm, Connie Mack & Hank Brown came to deliver a letter they have framed with specific issues for veto & the signatures of 146 Reps. pledged to uphold my vetos. Jack Kemp came in to make a pitch for finding some more reliable tool than “money supply” to keep the recovery going. I agree that the volatility of interest rates—(they’ve crept up a bit) can abort the recovery. Lunch with 37 of the 50 teachers chosen as best teacher in their state & 1 as best in the Nat. It was an enjoyable experience & they were fine & dedicated people. Met with Paul Laxalt & Jim Baker on actions Paul wants to take in case there is a Presidential campaign involving me. Geo. Shultz & Max Kampelman met to discuss our position re the Madrid meeting on human rights etc. The Soviets are being devious about their promise to let Scharansky go. We’re going to hold them to it.