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July 12, 1988

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Diary Entry - 07/12/1988

Tuesday, July 12, 1988

View the President's Schedule

Ken D. informed me former Pa. Gov. Dick Thornburg would accept appointment as Attorney Gen. if I asked him.

Conf. Report on Defense Authorization—Frank C. is very unhappy John Warner is only Repub. Sen. who approves it.

Dick Thornburg came in—I asked him to take the job & he enthusiastically said yes.

N.S.C.—Ambas. Dobrynin (Soviet U.) told Colin the Ziemans were told July 5 they could come to America. It’s possible the hold up is money for an airline ticket.

Gorby in Poland talked of taking mil. planes out of Poland if we’d bring our N.A.T.O. planes—F-16’s home—they’re slated to move from Spain to Italy. Not a fair deal. His planes only move the short distance to Russia—ours come 1000’s of miles across the Ocean. Nicaragua kicked our Ambassador out of Managua along with 7 embassy officials. We’re going to kick his Ambas. plus 7 comrades out of Wash.

The U.N. debate on Thurs.—the gulf plane tragedy. V.P. is going to represent us.

Apparently no Americans were hurt on Greek Ferry Boat where terrorists opened up with guns & grenades killing 9 people & injuring 50 others.

Then a briefing for visit by Prince Saad of Kuwait. He arrived at 11:30. We had the usual 1 on 1 in Oval O. then a plenary meeting in Cabinet room & working lunch in Family Dining room. It was a good visit—we have a fine relationship & everything went well. Did our departure statements in East Room—a thunder shower outside.

Then a Cabinet Meeting—briefs by Dick Lyng on drought, other subjects reported (drugs, Contra aid, education. etc.) by Cabinet members. Real aim of meeting was to turn everyone on for V.P.s campaign.

A photo with Tom Burnham, wife & son. He is big contributor to Presidential Library & organizer of tonites black tie dinner in family dining room.

Upstairs for exercise, shower & dress for dinner. The dinner—about 24 people contributors to Presidential Library was very pleasant. I took them upstairs to see the Lincoln bedroom. They enjoyed it.