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July 09, 1984
It was really a Monday—the schedule was thick as a phone book. The usual staff & N.S.C. meetings. We have to ask Cap. W. to change the speech he was going to give the Am. Legion on the 11th. The one he has opens up too many cracks for the Demos. to distort & paint me as wanting to start a war. We had a Cabinet Council on Natural Resources. We have a darn good record on environment which the environmentalists ignore in their bigotry. At noon a lunch (W.H.) with journalists & electronic press from around the country. They are a different breed from the W.H. Press corps. Then I presented a medal posthumously to Dennis Keogh a diplomat killed by terrorists last April in Namibia. His widow & 3 children were on hand to receive it—lovely family. Then I went back into pictures. A crew is shooting a documentary for the Repub. Convention. I spent a few hours off & on during the afternoon “on camera.” Later had a brief meeting with Prof. Hara. When I was Gov. he was Japanese Consul in S.F. & accompanied us on a couple of trips to Japan when R.N. sent me there. Saw 3 Ambassadors & their familys off to their assignments, Malawi, Tanzania & Yemen. Over to E.O.B. for brief talk to more than 200 very prominent clergy & church leaders who have come together in something called the Am. coalition for Traditional Values. A good group who are doing much to spark the spiritual revival in our land. A taping session then home & Mother.