Diary Entry - 07/05/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan visits General Motors manufacturing plants in Michigan and sees their new line of "Saturn" cars.
President Reagan meets with Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, whose young son was saved by open heart surgery thanks to Medicaid funds made available after a letter from the President was sent to Medicaid.
A Repub. leadership reception in the A.M.—did a receiving line & individual photos. Then to A.F.1 & off to Mount Clemens Mich.—Selfridge Air Nat. Guard Base. Helicoptered to Warren Mich. the Gen. Motors Tech Center with Roger Smith Chmn. of G.M. Board. Had a tour of the tech center & the Saturn Center. This was exciting. Not only is G.M. working on a new type car the “Saturn” but with it a whole new manufacturing concept more advanced than anything one could imagine. From there to their Orien Plant (Cadillacs & Oldsmobiles) where I dedicated the plant & addressed the employees. I also drove a proto-type of the new compact car—a marvel of silent, smooth power & only 4 cylinders. Back to A.F.1 & off to San Antonio—Kelly Field. Over night there. Talked to Nancy in Wash.