Diary Entry - 07/02/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to James D. Phillips, Counsel General in Casablanca, Morocco.
President Reagan participates in an interview with Johanna Neuman, White House correspondent for USA Today.
Bill Casey & his team briefed us on plans for Contra aid including training of Contra officers etc. They have really worked out a fine operation which if it succeeds will or can bring about Sandinista troop defections.
Had an interview with 2 gals from “U.S.A. Today.” I think it went well. Q’s. were on S. Africa, Soviets etc. George B. & I had our usual lunch then I met with Geo. S. just back from the Philippines & several other countries. He had quite an agenda for us on stepping up pressure on S. Africa. I agreed with much of it but told him I thought we should offer a plan to Pres. Botha that could offer something other than just turning the 5 mil. Whites over to a govt. by 26 mil. Blacks. I suggested something like Switzerlands “Canton” type of govt. He agreed. Then a taping session which included a toast to Lew & Edies 50th wedding anniversary (July 14) at Universal Studios in Calif.