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July 02, 1985

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Diary Entry - 07/02/1985

Tuesday, July 2, 1985

View the President's Schedule

N.S.C. briefing had to do with Gorbachevs latest movement, the naming of Gromyko as Pres. of the U.S.S.R. It is a ceremonial job & possibly it was given primarily to get a new face in the Foreign Ministry. Late morning I met with 16 heads of various business organizations such as N.A.M.—Round Table etc. Their concern is that we’ve let up on pushing for the spending cuts. I think we re-assured them.

Met with Armando Albarran—Disabled Vet. of the Year. Also Pres. of Rotary International. Then a phone call to 250 young people at a YMCA meeting.

Then Nancy & I went to Arlington Cemetery to put flowers on the grave of Robbie Stetham—the hostage murder victim. His sister was there. Then we helicoptered to Andrews Air Base to meet the returning hostages & their families. It was nice homecoming ceremony & a heartwarming one.