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June 29, 1987

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Diary Entry - 06/29/1987

Monday, June 29, 1987

View the President's Schedule

A bright warm Monday. Staff time more or less routine.

N.S.C.—Some reporting on S. Korea & news that ruling party has offered some concessions to the demonstrators. But no word as to whether Pres. Chun goes along.

Over to E.O.B. for a brief talk to our Pol. Activists. These are the people who have been loyal supporters for years. I made a pitch for obeying the 11th commandment.

Then an Issues briefing lunch. As always it was informative & pleasant. Later in Roosevelt room a meeting with Gov’s. Sununu & Sinner with report to them on our progress in restoring Federalism.

Then meeting with our lawyers, Ed Meese & Howard on Supreme Ct. vacancy. We are together on thinking it should be Robt. Bork. Another meeting with Bill Webster. He’s back from Europe & reported on Intelligence matters involving allies.—Haircut & end of day.