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June 28, 1984
One of our diplomats came in this morning. Bob Seton headed up an effort I asked for to find out how we could better help get food to 3rd world countries. He’s done a great job and brought back a plan that makes sense. We had a Cabinet meeting on meeting our goal of reducing Fed. employees by 75,000. We’re about 3000 short. We also took up the matter of employee morale & how to increase productivity. Geo. B & I had lunch, then we had a meeting about Jesse Jackson. Later we learned he was on his way home with the 40 odd prisoners Castro is allowing him to bring home. I taped a 4th of July message then had a string of visitors; a picture session with a group of Square Dancers representing their conventions in Baltimore. The Asthma Poster child came in. A group of Nat. Guard Generals presented me with their 1st Geo. Wash. award. The Pres. of Rotary & his wife—then a visit with the Pres. of the Community College Assn. & finally Miss U.S.A. She is half Chinese, half Irish, & very charming. Tonite dinner at Geo. Will’s. A very pleasant evening. Alistair Cooke & several other very nice & interesting people—8 of us in all.