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June 28, 1983

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Diary Entry - 06/28/1983

Tuesday, June 28, 1983

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N.S.C.—In the Sudan—rebels picked up several missionary types 2 of whom are American—they’ve suggested ransom. I wish to h--l we had forces in the area who could move in. We dont of course but I’m fed up with this kind of thing. Bay Buchanan—her mother, father & new baby boy came by for a picture. Then Wayne Newton the same. He’s probably giving up 1⁄2 mil. $ to do the 4th of July show in Wash. Met with 6 of 10 former Sec’s. of the Treasury & Don Regan—they have signed a statement urging Cong. to pass our appropriation to the International Monetary Fund. Another N.S.C. briefing on the Mid-East & Central Am. Lunch (St. D. Room) for new Council on Pvt. Sector Initiatives. More practice for News Conf. The news conference dealt almost entirely on the “Carter papers.” There is no question but that the Wash. press is going to try for another lynching. I think it went pretty well though & I did get in some good licks—particularly on the few Q’s that didn’t dig at the papers—which incidentally I had never heard about until the press started in last week or something that was supposed to have happened 2 1⁄2 yrs. or more ago.