Diary Entry - 06/25/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the findings of the Commission on Excellence in Education.
President Reagan meets with his Chief of Staff Jim Baker to discuss a scandal charge.
No Camp David—but weather wonderful. After my broadcast we went over to pool—had a swim & lunched there with the Deavers & Jim Baker. Very pleasant day. We’re being harassed by a charge that 3 yrs. ago we obtained a campaign strategy book from Carter campaign & used it to win debate. No one can remember anything other than a bunch of pages citing Carter admin. accomplishments. I’d never even heard of that until this story broke. It resulted from Larry Barrett’s book on me & sounds like a book promotion stunt but a Dem. Congmn.—Chairman of a sub comm. thinks he’s struck pay dirt. He’s struck dirt alright—campaign mud.