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June 24, 1984

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Diary Entry - 06/24/1984

Sunday, June 24, 1984

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Last night we ran “BedTime for Bonzo”—no one had ever seen it. With Nancy gone I had guests—the Laxalts & the Deavers plus a friend, Leslie Leach, of Amandas. We had a birthday cake for Amanda—her 14th. Everyone enjoyed the picture. Sat. dawned grey & temperature in the 60’s. It was a no swimming weekend. A lot of tennis was played by Mike & the Laxalts. Paul & I rode in the afternoon then he went back to tennis. I joined Caroline on the lawn hitting golf balls. After dinner we ran “Star Trek II.” It wasn’t too good. Sun. a down pour of rain & back to the W.H. Maureen has arrived. Nancy not due to return until Tues.—I’m ready.