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June 21, 1983
Started day with Rep. Cong. Ldrship.—Main topic budget & ’83 supplemental. I told them it was unacceptable in the form & size they were recommending. An N.S.P.G. meeting on how to move Syria out of Lebanon. I’ve asked for more specifics. P.M. (Pres.) Gonzalez of Spain arrived. He’s sharp, a bright, personable, young moderate & pragmatic socialist. I think we hit if off pretty good which was what he wanted. I did lecture him a little on Central Am. Cab. Council meeting on Syn fuels & next years wheat plan. Congress has left us with the 1981 farm act which is a disaster. We literally subsidize overproduction. Holmes Tuttles married daughter Sally & family came by for a photo. Then it was Jim Knaub—winner of the Wheelchair marathon. Five yrs. ago he was a pole vaulter—then an auto accident. Now he’s a paraplegic. He’s also a well adjusted, personable young man. Carlyle Reed & wife came by to say goodbye—he’s retiring from the Wash. Times. Photos with the Photo Staff & Nat. Assn. of Minority Contractors.—Home & Mother.