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June 19, 1987

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Diary Entry - 06/19/1987

Friday, June 19, 1987

View the President's Schedule

Short meetings & a crowded morning. I gave in on the radio script & said “no” to doing it on Persian Gulf. It will be on budget. I also started something on Presbyterian 189th meeting in Biloxi Miss. They’ve passed a resolution against us helping the Contras in any way. They sent a group of laymen & clergy to Nicaragua. They were given the Sandinista tour & came back anti freedom fighters. I called Rev. Donn Moomaw last nite & gave him some true pictures. He volunteered to help so I started our gang on getting together with the Presbyterian top people.

N.S.C.—was very brief—just long enough to say that if C.I.A. was sending their Persian Gulf paper to Congress we should send a notice under the War Powers Act.

Then a meeting with our top Sen. leaders on the trade bills making their way through Cong. We told them what we could & couldn’t sign.

A briefing for Pres. Habre (Chad) meeting and at 11:30 he was ushered in. He’s quite a guy & I think we made him happy—he deserves it. He did a great job on Quadaffi. We had a working lunch that went very well. A brief scramble then on a few pending bills. I signed a veto message on a Congressional bill that would have perpetuated the radio & T.V. fairness doctrines. And then on to Camp D.

It was in the 80’s when we got there so we had a nice swim.