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June 17, 1985

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Diary Entry - 06/17/1985

Monday, June 17, 1985

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Day started with what’s getting to be my regular early call from Bud. Nobbi Barri has taken the hostages from the hi-jackers & has them someplace in W. Beirut. His price is release of the 760 Shiites held by Israel. Israel is publicly saying they will—but the U.S. at the highest level of govt. must ask them to do it. This of course means that we,—not they, would be violating our policy of not negotiating with terrorists. To do so of course—negotiate with terrorists—is to encourage more terrorism. I suggested that if Israel said to Barri—we were going to release these detainees anyway, we’ll expedite it if you let the Americans go—no one would be giving in to terrorists. After all Barri took the hostages away from the hijackers.

I just told Bud, “why dont we ask Israel by saying you kidnapped & are holding 760 hostages—we ask you to release them in order to free Barri’s hostages.” That way we wouldn’t be dealing with terrorists—just asking that hostages be freed by both sides.

The day has gone on with the usual functions—a meeting with Ec. Policy Council on our trade disputes with the European Commission. A problem with tariffs against Am. Citrus fruit to promote the sale of Italian Citrus in Europe. I think I’m going to recommend a tariff on Italian Pasta. Met with a bipartisa Congress group on need to upgrade our chemical warfare stock by going to Binary weapons. I announced Dave Packard as chairman of a commission to study Dept. of Defense & come back with a report. It’s the only way I can see to let the people really know how much we’ve improved things.

Then a little practice for tomorrow nights press conference. I’m lonesome—Nancy is in N.Y. for tonite & tomorrow nite.