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June 14, 1988

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Diary Entry - 06/14/1988

Tuesday, June 14, 1988

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Howard B. came in to tell me he was announcing his resignation today. With his mother & wife both hospitalized he feels his duty is in Tenn. & I agree with him. We also announced Ken D. was replacing him.

Then we had our short meeting—we’re talking about Ken Khachigian doing my convention speech.

N.S.C.—A short one. Jim Kelly N.S.C. came in to report Philippine legis. is giving us trouble on renewing our mil. bases there. And Giuliani (U.S. Attorney) is talking of drawing up an indictment against Marcos. I think he’s crazy.

We sold 3 planes—patrol types to China—they evidently delivered them to N. Korea & one has already crashed.

Frank Carlucci is talking of having all D.O.D. suppliers swear they have drug free work places. Then a 9:30 A.M. meeting with Repub. Legislative leadership. We reported on Summit Nicaragua & discussed new trade bill.

Then our visitor arrived—new P.M. of Italy De Mita. It was the usual format—Oval office 1 on 1 & press coverage. Then plenary meeting in Cab. room & lunch in the family dining room. He’s been here before as head of the Christian Dem. Party—this is 1st time as a govt. official. Everything went fine. We have a good solid relationship with Italy. They are taking in our 401st fighter squadron formerly based in Spain. We did the usual farewell statements outside the Dip. Room.

Then over to the Situation room for another meeting on Ec. summit in Toronto. That was followed by some desk time, then Frank C’s. regular meeting. He’s just back from Japan. He had high praise for their defense layout. Then Bill Webster came in with his report. We’re still working on the Noriega business [. . .]

A sneeze shot & upstairs to dinner on the balcony again.