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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 06/10/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-10-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan thanks the staff at the U.S. embassy for their help during the trip.

  • The President and First Lady are welcomed at Andrew's AFB by Vice President and Mrs. Bush.

View the President's Schedule
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A mini press conference in the garden at Winfield then photos with household staff & Eng. security people. Then out on the terrace to thank & farewell the embassy staff & their familys—about 1500 people. With that Charlie & Carole joined us in helicoptering to Heathrow where we took off for home. It is now late afternoon & we are in the White House. George B. & Barbara met us at Andrews. Maureen is here & we’re going to run some tapes of the way our T.V. covered the trip.

Ronald Reagan Pen