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June 09, 1986

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Diary Entry - 06/09/1986

Monday, June 9, 1986

View the President's Schedule

Framed a letter to new Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim but avoided using the word “congratulations.” The press would have run with that because of the charges against him of having a Nazi background.

King Hussein visited—Bless him he’s still working to bring about peace negotiations between the Arab states & Israel. He now agrees Arafat & his P.L.O. faction cannot be counted on to help.

The usual issues briefing lunch & then a report or I should say, the report of the Rogers commission on the Challenger tragedy. They did a great job for 120 days at no cost to the govt.

A meeting with Ed M. re the replacement on Supreme Ct. for Chief Justice Burger. Only 4 of us are involved in this which must remain quiet until we’re ready to announce. Curiously enough each of the 4 of us came up with the same choice for Chief (Rhenquist) & the same choice of a replacement then for Rhenquist.

Did an interview for Radio Marti—a photo for the cover of “Management Magazine.” Then almost an hour in the dentist’s chair—regular check up & cleaning.

Finally over to the Mayflower Hotel to the C.S.I.S. conf. I made a strong pitch for aid to the Contras & was well received. Back to the W.H. for gym & dinner.