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June 09, 1983

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Diary Entry - 06/09/1983

Thursday, June 9, 1983

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Ambas. Hinton just relieved as Ambas. to El Salvador stopped by. He’s a good man & did a fine job under extremely difficult circumstances. I hope he can convince some of our left leaning congressmen how wrong they are. Geo. Bush reported on his phone calls to J. Loeb our Ambas. to Denmark. We are replacing him—the news had leaked to him already—he was climbing the wall. He really had to be replaced. Finally on 3rd call Geo. told him I wanted him to serve as a delegate to the U.N. in N.Y. That calmed the angry waters. Introduced Lee Verstandig to everyone in “Intergovernmental relations.” He’s replacing Rich Williamson. Then it was off to Minneapolis. On way during lunch Dr. Gardner—head of our Commission on Excellence in Ed. briefed me on the commission & some of the debate going on in ed. circles. In Minn. went directly to Hopkins H.S. for a panel on ed. It turned out very well. Then to the hotel for an interview (local T.V.) 3 receptions & the dinner for Sen. Rudy Boschwitz. A big hostile reception outside but a warm reception inside. The D. Mayor of Minn. has just finished hosting a seminar of Soviets & Am’s. who see no threat from the left. He even apologized to the Russians when some Americans (his own towns people) asked them questions about Human Rt’s. The police chief refused any cooperation with our Security & I actually saw the police help the demonstrators move the barricades from curbside out to the middle of the street so they could be closer to the hotel. Back to the W.H. about midnight.