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June 08, 1988
George B. on hand for meeting—took the “Red Eye” in from Calif. Howard brought Tommy Griscom in to tell me he (Tommy) was resigning effective end of this month. He’ll be a V.P. of an insurance co. in Chattanooga. I learned this morning from Geo. B. that Dukakis as Gov. had vetoed a bill to have students in Mass. recite the Pledge of Allegiance. This P.M. Sen. votes on my veto of trade bill.
N.S.C.—Colin talked about Nicaragua. Talks between Contras & Sandinistas resume in Managua. John Negroponte briefed us on Panama. Pres. of Guatemala has offered his country for meetings with other Central Am. leaders on Nicaragua.
Mort Abramowitz went down to Panama last week—is back with some proposals for building pressure against Noriega. One idea is removing mil. dependents & bringing them home. After some desk time I was briefed at 11:30 for meeting & back with about 90 press, radio & T.V. media from all over the country.
Then it was admin. time. T.K.E. presented me with the Teke silver maple leaf award. I presented Teke of the year award to a student. Then the lovely little girl who is Arthritis Poster child. Some departure photos & a meeting with Polish American Congress.
Went upstairs with Geo. B. & spent an hour talking about his campaign. Now I’m waiting for Nancy who went to Fla. today for young peoples meeting on drugs.