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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 06/08/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-08-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with President of Mexico Jose Lopez Portillo to discuss the economic situation in Central America and the Caribbean.

  • President Reagan and President of Mexico Jose Lopez Portillo go horseback riding at Camp David.

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Pres. Lopez Portillo and party arrived. We had the Marine band on hand for the welcome. Then off by helicopter for Camp David. Learned he was looking forward to complete informality so told him we’d change when we arrived. He & I met for more than an hour discussing our idea of U.S., Mex. & Canada launching a program to put the Caribbean nations & Central America on a solid Ec. base & correct the social inequities which make them ripe for Cuban inspired revolution: Then a working lunch—a dozen of us out on the terrace. End of lunch our Cabinet & staff officers went into a session on trade, immigration, agriculture etc. & he & I went riding. They borrow mounted police horses & trailer them up—fine animals—Mine was a T.B. [Thoroughbred] named Jackpot. That evening an outdoor BBQ with music by a Navy combo & then entertainment by Janie Fickey a country music star. Pres. L.P. & I exchanged gifts. And as usual he topped me—a beautiful western sculpture, a magnificent book & the model of the Lincoln statue he’s had erected in Tia Juana [Tijuana]. He is a great admirer of Lincoln.

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