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May 31, 1984
Last day before Ireland & it was hectic as h--l. At 9:00 A.M. met F. Ministers again this time in the Cabinet Room. Had some time for discussion of E.W. matters then a farewell in the Rose Garden. From there to an interview with Hugh Sidey on D-Day ’44 & where was I. John Herrington followed with a list of appointees to be approved. Then in rapid succession I rcvd the “Manager of the Year” award, took photos with 4 outgoing Ambassadors, rcvd. a book of letters received by a Spanish speaking radio station all in support of our Central Am. policy. One was from the sister of Fidel Castro who says he is a communist & seeks a world communist state. Then I met the board of governors of the 4 H. Clubs. A lengthy taping session for 6 different affairs and believe it or not it was then lunch time. Then an interview with a half dozen assorted European journalists, then right into an interview with 1⁄2 dozen foreign T.V. news men. A haircut—a last minute flood of paperwork & upstairs to pack for Europe.