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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 05/29/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-29-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan speaks with David Rockefeller, Chairman and CEO, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, NY.

  • President Reagan places a call to Zbigneiw Brzezinski, Senior Advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

View the President's Schedule
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A meeting with the 2 new Chiefs of A.F. & Navy. Everything has been settled peacefully. They are good men.

I addressed the Nat. Assn. of Mfgrs. at the Marriott Hotel. The subject was 1⁄4 or less, tax reform & the other 3⁄4’s on trade. It was well received.

George B. & I had lunch on the new patio & then a meeting with Ed Meese on the coming retirement of Sup. Ct. Chief Justice Burger. We’re holding this close until we can also name his replacement. Right now I lean to Rehnquist. A photo with Al Singers [Kingon’s] cabinet affairs staff. Then personnel time with Bob Tuttle followed by a lengthy Admin. time.

Meetings & photos with Harmon foundation leaders to present Harmon trophys to Barry Goldwater & a test pilot for N.A.S.A. XV-15 tilt roter craft.

The New Commander of Disabled Vets. Rcv’d. report from Boys Clubs of Am. Then the Public Diplomacy Advisory Board. Victoria Principal brought in the Arthritis poster child—an 11 yr. old boy in a wheelchair. And finally a real life—“Dirty Harry”—N.Y. retired policeman—our cand. for Cong., the 6th District of N.Y. His police career is so outstanding they are making a movie of it. On duty as a decoy he was mugged 500 times.

Nancy & I dropped by the dinner of the Vets of O.S.S. and I recvd. the Bill Donovan award. Then we went on to the Kennedy Center where with the Helms & Regans we saw Chuck Heston in the “Caine Mutiny.” It was a great evening & the show was magnificent.

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