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May 28, 1987

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Diary Entry - 05/28/1987

Thursday, May 28, 1987

View the President's Schedule

A very brief staff time with little to report—then at 9:15 A.M. into Cabinet room & a meeting with the Repub. Cong. Leadership. First subject was budget & budget process then onto Persian gulf. There were a few there who were challengers as to why we were in the gulf & why weren’t our allies there too. Pete D. [Domenici] asked why we didn’t ask Japan to share the expenses. We had the answers to all those Q’s. Whether we satisfied them remains to be seen.

Then N.S.C. & more Persian gulf. Some of the Sens. have been pushing Sen. DeConcini of Ariz. for F.B.I. chief. Apparently he has good qualifications but their real reason is that they believe we could grab off his seat in the Sen. by way of Arizonas Repub. Gov.

P.M. Martens of Belgium came in for a meeting—he is also Pres. of the E.C. A good meeting mainly on the agendas for the Ec. Summit next week.

At 11:15 or so I addressed the annual meeting of the Nat. Assn. of Mfr’s. at the Marriott Hotel—well received. Usual lunch with V.P. and a discussion of the ongoing hearing on Iran-Contra & the press handling of the same.

Then over to E.O.B. to speak to & take Q’s from “GoPac” a Repub. support group. Then at 2 P.M. Domestic Policy Council Meeting on the “Aids” situation. A session with Bob Tuttle on some more appointments. A couple of photos with departing Secret Svc. Agents & their families & upstairs.