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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 05/27/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-27-1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan visit with President and Mrs. Koivisto, of Finland.

  • The U.S. Senate votes 93-5 and ratifies a treaty eliminating medium-range nuclear missiles.

View the President's Schedule
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Up at 9:30 this time—no hiking clothes this time. We dressed up & were driven to the palace. The streets were lined with people—they are warm & friendly. We were greeted by Pres. & Mrs. Koivisto. Then a brief meeting with him & his team & ours. Then all of us went into a pleasant lunch—they served Calif. wines. After lunch it was back to the guest house. An early dinner & more news reels—then word came our Sen. passed or I should say Ratified the I.N.F. treaty. I called Sens. Byrd & Dole to thank them & invited them to bring the papers & join me for the ceremony on Wed.

After our early dinner Nancy & I took turns having a massage by a masseuse recommended by Geo. Shultz. And then to bed. Finally got to sleep.

Ronald Reagan Pen