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May 23, 1986

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Diary Entry - 05/23/1986

Friday, May 23, 1986

View the President's Schedule

Last night I learned I’d been invited to stand in the “Hands Across America” Sunday at 3 P.M. I also learned the line would go right past the W.H. Security of course had ruled out my participating. Upon learning the line up was past the W.H. Nancy, Mermie, Dennis & I got the idea of having the line come through the W. gate & out the E. gate. Then we’d ask our people—staff—W.H. employees etc. to volunteer & that would take care of the security problem. Mermie & Dennis volunteered to go door to door in the E.O.B. getting volunteers. I took the idea to Don at the staff meeting & the plan is on it’s way & announced to the press already. Each vol. is supposed to give $10.00. We told them it was already taken care of. Don R. & I split the bill for about 225—the number it will take from gate to gate.

N.S.P.G. meeting was cancelled due to absence of 2 members. So I lunched on the patio, then stayed there for meeting with George S. Subject was S. Africa. We’re going to send their mil. attaché home just to emphasize our feeling about their raids into 3 neighboring countries.

Dick Wirthlin came in with some astounding figures. My approval rating is still 74%. Finally I did a P.B.S. interview with long time friend Bill Rusher. I think it was a good one. It will be pieced into a 90 min. special. Then upstairs for a short day.